Kamis, 28 Juni 2012

Promo CUMA s.d 30 JUNI!! Buruan daftar, tempat terbatas!!!

Beli 4, Gratis 1 Tiket SEMINAR s.d 30 Juni 2012. Ayo daftar 3rd Neonatal Emergency Management (NEMO), 15-16 JULI 2012, 07.00-17.00 @Auditorium Gedung A lt.8 RSCM! AKREDITASI IDI, IDAI, IBI! More info: 081286306290/PIN BB 23043D00 (Ngabila Salama, S.Ked)

Sponsored by: Fyrom, Abbott, Intergastra Nusantara, Madesa Sejahtera Utama, FORD, ProdiaChildlab, Majalah Dokter Kita, Majalah Anida, Kalbe Nutrisional, Combiphar, etc. JOIN US! :)

Selasa, 26 Juni 2012

Sponsor Intergastra

AYO SEGERA DAFTAR!! Tinggal 19 hari lagi, kursi semakin terbatas!!!

Sun-Mon, 15-16th JULY 2012, 07.00-17.00 WIB! Auditorium Lt. 8 Gedung A RSCM!

PLD FKUI 2012-2013 bersama IDAI JAYA & Div.Perinatologi FKUI-RSCM mempersembahkan:

3rd Neonatal Emergency Management: Seminar & Workshop (NEMO) 2012

Akreditasi IDI, IDAI, IBI!

1. Neonatal Problems in Indonesia an Overview: dr. Aryono Hendarto, SpA (K)
2. Resuscitation and Delivery Room (How to implement The First Golden Hour Concept) Management: Dr. dr. Rinawati Rohsiswatmo, SpA (K)
3. STABLE: Sugar, Temperature, Airway, Blood Pressure, Laboratory, Evaluation: Dr. dr. Rinawati Rohsiswatmo, SpA (K)
4. Oxygen Therapy. Non-Invasive Support: CPAP and NIPPV: dr. Lily Rundjan, SpA (K)
5. Neonatal Procedure: Peripheral Intravenous Line and Umbilical Insertion, Pneumothorax Management, Laryngeal Mask Airway (LMA), Intubation: dr. Lily Rundjan, SpA (K)
6. Safe Referral Management: Dr. dr. Rinawati Rohsiswatmo, SpA (K)
7. Kangaroo Mother Care: dr. Rosalina Dewi Roeslani, SpA (K)

1. Neonatal Resuscitation and Stabilization
2. Laryngeal Mask Airway (LMA) Insertion for Case Management in Intubation Difficulty
3. Peripheral Intravenous Line and Umbilical Insertion
4. Pneumothorax Management, LMA, Intubation
5. Kangaroo Mother Care
6. NEST Using

500.000 (students), 700.000 (doctor, midwife, nurse)

*: Including coffeebreak, buffet lunch, seminar kit, proceeding book, marchandise (magazines, etc), doorprize (5 vouchers free checklab, etc), stands & sponsors, sertificate!

Payment: BNI/BCA/Mandiri

Registration,more info:
Ngabila Salama, S.Ked (081286306290/PIN BB 23043D00)

All speakers ini this symposium and workshop are consultant of perinatology division FKUI-RSCM

Sponsored by: Fyrom, Abbott, Intergastra Nusantara, Madesa Sejahtera Utama, FORD, ProdiaChildlab, Majalah Dokter Kita, Majalah Aninda, Kalbe Nutrisional, Combiphar, etc! Join US! :)

Selasa, 28 Februari 2012

Alur Konfirmasi Keikutsertaan NEMO 2012

1. Donwload formulir pendaftaran ke link yang sudah disediakan
2. Isi formulir pendaftaran

3. Transfer biaya seminar ke no rekening berikut:
  • Bank BNI, 0128803764, a.n Wiranty Ramadhani
  • Bank BCA, 1621161453, a.n Dieta Rizki
  • Bank Mandiri, 1220001140774, a.n Elly Marlina Lubis
4. Jika sudah selesai mentransfer biaya seminar, kirimkan formulir pendaftaran yang telah diisi disertai dengan fotokopi bukti transfer rekening ke email:
5. Setelah mengirimkan bukti pembayaran dan formulir, konfirmasi via sms ke no:
Ngabila Salama, S.Ked (081286306290) atau ke nomor Azlan Sain, S.Ked (081280395210) 
6. Konfirmasi selesai

Jumat, 24 Februari 2012

Pendaftaran Sudah Dibuka!!!!


Rekan-rekan sejawat, diinformasikan bahwa pendaftaran NEMO 2012 sudah dibuka!! Bagi Anda (para dokter/mahasiswa kedokteran/dokter spesialis anak/perawat/bidan) yang berminat, dapat langsung menghubungi contact person kami. Pembayaran dapat dilakukan melalui transfer ke no rekening berikut:

Bank BNI, 0128803764, a.n Wiranty Ramadhani
Bank BCA, 1621161453, a.n Dieta Rizki
Bank Mandiri, 1220001140774, a.n Elly Marlina Lubis

Ngabila Salama, S.Ked (081286306290)
Azlan Sain, S.Ked (081280395210)

Bukti transfer mohon dikirimkan ke alamat email kami di nemo.pld2012@yahoo.co.id untuk konfirmasi keikutsertaan Anda. Mohon beritahukan kepada contact person kami jika Anda telah selesai mentransfer biaya keikutsertaan dan mengirimkan bukti transfer ke alamat email yang tertera di atas. 

Terima kasih atas perhatiannya.....


Kamis, 19 Januari 2012

Seminar dan Workshop NEMO 2012

COMING SOON, Sunday-Monday, 15th-16th JULY 2012!

Panitia Pelantikan Lulusan Dokter FKUI 2012-2013 bekerjasama dengan IDAI JAYA dan Divisi Perinatologi FKUI-RSCM dengan bangga mempersembahkan...

Neonatal Emergency Management: Seminar & Workshop (NEMO) 2012

Neonatal Problems in Indonesia: an Overview
The First Golden Hour: Neonatal Resuscitation
STABLE: Sugar, Temperature, Airway, Blood Pressure, Laboratory Evaluation
Case management in Intubation Difficulty:
Laryngeal Mask Airway (LMA) Insertion
Pneumothorax Management
Safe Referral Management
Kangaroo Mother Care


Neonatal Resuscitation
LMA Insertion
Pneumothorax Management
Safe Referral Management
Kangaroo Mother Care

Special in 2012: 
"How to use CPAP for neonatal Resusitation"

Tempat: Auditorium Lt. 8 Gedung A RSCM

Hari I

Minggu, 15 Juli 2012
07.00-07.30: Registrasi ulang
07.30-07.35: Pembukaan
07.35-07.40: Sambutan ketua panitia 
07.40-07.50: Sambutan Dekan FKUI
07.50-08.00: Sambutan Ketua IDAI
08.00-08.15: Pre Test
08.15-08.45: Neonatal Problems in Indonesia: an Overview
08.45-10.00: The First Golden Hour: Neonatal Resuscitation 
10.00-10.15: Coffee Break
10.15-10.55: STABLE I: Sugar, Temperature, Airway 
10.55-11.35: STABLE II: Blood Pressure, Laboratory, Evaluation
11.35-12.15 Discussion session 
12.15-13.00 ISHOMA 
13.00-14.45: Workshop 1: Neonatal Resuscitation, how to use CPAP 
14.45-16.45: Workshop 2: STABLE

Hari II
Senin, 16 Juli 2012 

07.30-08.00: Absensi dan Morning coffee 
08.00-08.30: Case management in Intubation Difficulty: Laryngeal Mask Airway (LMA) Insertion
08.30-09.00: Pneumothorax Management 
09.00-09.15: Coffee Break
09.15-10.15: Safe Referral Management
10.15-10.45: Kangaroo Mother Care 
10.45-11.30: Discussion session 
11.30-11.45: Post Test
11.45-12.00: Penutupan Seminar
12.00-13.00: ISHOMA
13.00-14.00: Workshop 3 : LMA Insertion 
14.00-15.00: Workshop 4 : Pneumothorax Management
15.00-16.00: Workshop 5 : Patients’ Preparation to Transportation, Case Based Exercise 
16.00-17.00: Workshop 6 : Kangaroo Mother Care


Early (till 16th May 2012)
  • Student: IDR 350.000
  • Doctor, nurse, midwife: IDR 500.000
Late (17th May 2012 - 14 July 2012)
  • Student: IDR 500.000
  • Doctor, nurse, midwife: IDR 700.000
On the Spot (15th July 2012)
  • Student: IDR 600.000
  • Doctor, nurse, midwife: IDR 800.000

Seminar + Workshop
Early (till 16th May 2012)
  • Student: IDR 1.000.000
  • Doctor, nurse, midwife: IDR 1.200.000
Late (17th May 2012 - 14 July 2012)
  • Student: IDR 1.200.000
  • Doctor, nurse, midwife: IDR 1.400.000
On the Spot (15th July 2012)
  • Student: IDR 1.300.000
  • Doctor, nurse, midwife: IDR 1.500.000
This price include coffee break, buffet lunch, seminar kit, merchandise, door prize, and certificate!!!

More Info:
Ngabila Salama, S.Ked (081286306290)
Azlan Sain, S.Ked (081280395210)
Blog: nemo-2012.blogspot.com
Email: nemo.pld2012@yahoo.co.id
Twitter: @nemofkui2012 (NEMO PLD FKUI 2012)